antonio carlos jobim: the wonderful world of
  • antonio carlos jobim

  • the wonderful world of (CD)

  • sku: DBK524CD
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 13.42
  • $14.09
  • You can only place this item in your reserve list.


  • Format: CD
  • Label: DBK Works
  • Genre: Folk
The songwriter behind the Brazilian bossa nova, Antonio Carlos Jobim landed on the American scene after saxman Stan Getz scored a surprise hit with Jobim's "Desafinado" in 1963. As bossa nova gained in popularity, American audiences demanded to hear more from the man who penned "The Girl >From Ipanema." After recording one U.S. album for Verve in 1963, he moved on to Warner Bros. to record his second LP for the American market. The Wonderful World Of... released in 1965 pairs Jobim to good effect with Sinatra's longtime arranger Nelson Riddle.
Track listing: 1. She's A Carioca 2. Agua De Beber 3. Surfboard 4. Useless Landscape 5. Sò Tinha De Ser Com Voce 6. A Felicidade 7. Bonita 8. Favela 9. Valsa De Porto Das Caixas 10. Samba Do Aviao 11. Por Toda A Minha Vida 12. Dindi