the cosmic jokers: the cosmic jokers ( color vinyl)
  • the cosmic jokers

  • the cosmic jokers ( color vinyl) (LP)

  • sku: MJJ325LP
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 17.90
  • $18.80
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  • Format: LP
  • Label: Klimt
  • Genre: Progressive

Recorded in 1973 during a series of acid-fuelled all-night jam parties held at producer Dieter Dierks' studio near Cologne, Cosmic Jokers was the work of a veritable krautrock supergroup that included Dierks himself, Manuel Göttsching (Ash Ra Tempel), Klaus Schulze (Tangerine Dream), Jürgen Dollase and Harald Grosskopf (both of Wallenstein). This free-form freak out—consisting of two epic tracks, the 22 min "Galactic Joke" and the 19 min "Cosmic Joy"— was first of five albums by the group to be released on Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser's Cosmic Couriers label in the coming months. A first rate slab of space rock up there with other classics of the genre.
Track listing - Side A: 1. Galactic Joke Side B: 2. Cosmic Joy"