mick stevens: see the morning / no savage word
  • mick stevens

  • see the morning / no savage word (2 CD)

  • sku: SHADOKS38
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 14.90
  • $15.65
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  • Format: CD
  • Label: Shadoks
  • Genre: Psychedelic
Both amazing rare LP?s who where pressed at Deroy studios. THOS ARE THE BEST DEROY ALBUM so far. Loner vibe, beautiful vocals and the music is just great. Mick passed away sadly many years ago but his amazing music will stay forever. His sweet composition (real compositions on paper) and lyrics have a bittersweet touch and are much darker as they sound at the first place. From the first album only 30 where pressed ever only 3 with hand drawn pictures and writings (in red with his own blood!). From the second album 50 where pressed. If you like Michael Angelo with a Billy Nichols touch, this one is yours. The recording quality is top major studio but made at his home. Half of the tracks on both albums are electric the other half acoustic, a full band behind each song. Those 2 albums are completely unknown so far.. Look out for his 3rd and 4th album soon to be released on Shadoks Music..