far east family band: the cave down to earth
  • far east family band

  • the cave down to earth (LP)

  • sku: ASHLP3023
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 9.90
  • $10.40
  • You can only place this item in your reserve list.

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  • Format: LP
  • Label: Phoenix Records
  • Genre: Progressive

Deluxe die-cut cover

Regarded by many as the first Japanese progressive rock group, the Far East Family Band, whose first album release was under the name Far Out, released The Cave Down To Earth in 1975. Influential in the creation of the band's distinctive psychedelic sound was keyboard player Kitaro, who went on the establish himself as a major New Age artist in the 80s. Although the band was often categorized as New Age too, their sound was distinctly progressive and often brought comparisons with Tangerine Dream and early Pink Floyd. The ethereal, space-rock quality of the band's music is hear in abundance but the centrepiece is without doubt the title track, with which starts off in a mellowmood but then becomes a killer guitar jam. For music fans that have yet to discover the delights of 0s Japanese psychedelic rock, The Cave Down To Earthy is a fabulous introduction.