crystal phoenix: the legend of the two stonedragons
  • crystal phoenix

  • the legend of the two stonedragons (CD)

  • sku: BWR063CD
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 14.74
  • $15.48
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  • Format: CD
  • Label: Black Widow
  • Genre: Progressive
CRYSTAL PHOENIX: remember the FIRST Black Widow Records' release? Around a decade has passed since "Crystal Phoenix", debut album from the band which was finally reprinted on cd by BWR. Many years have gone, and CRYSTAL PHOENIX are finally ready with their second album, titled "Twa Jψrg-J-Draak Saga". Ranging from fantasy to science-fiction, the album is divided in two parts, which symbolize past and future. In connection to the lyrics the music ranges from hard rock to acoustic moods with baroque echoes. "Twa Jψrg-J-Draak Saga" has a complex plot behind itself, with starts in the future to explore different ages and characters, which will also take part of the next album.
Track List:The Future:1. Total War:a. Gloria.b. Black out.2. Remembrance.3. The new time's hero.4. Renegade (beyond the glass).5. Caled's last flight.6. ReminiscenceThe Past:7. The maid and the willow.8. Dragon Lord.9. Lullaby.10. Spring's dance.11. War again.