sun ra and the myth science arkestra: when angels speak of love
  • sun ra and the myth science arkestra

  • when angels speak of love (CD)

  • sku: GSJGZ013CD
  • Condition: Brand New In Stock
  • 7.99
  • $8.39

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  • Format: CD
  • Label: Gonzo
  • Genre: Jazz

Sun Ra (born Herman Poole Blount, legal name Le Sony'r Ra;[1] May 22, 1914 - May 30, 1993) was an American jazz composer, bandleader, piano and synthesizer player, poet and philosopher known for his experimental music, "cosmic philosophy", prolific output, and theatrical performances. He was inducted into the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame in 1979. For much of his career, Ra led "The Arkestra", an ensemble with an ever-changing name and flexible line-up. As John Szwed writes about "When Angels Speak of Love was considered a bizarre record when it was heard even three years later, made more bizarre by extreme echo, horns straining for the shrillest notes possible, rhythms layered, their polyrhythmic effect exaggerated by massive reverberation (which was abruptly turned off and on). Next Stop Mars is the centrepiece of the album, a very long work which opens with a space chant, followed by Allen and Gilmore taking chances on their horns beyond what almost any other musician would dare at that time. Sun Ra played behind them, again relentlessly spinning around a single tonal center with two-handed independence, then rumbling thunderously at the bottom of the keyboard against Boykins's bass, a clangor made heavier by electronic enhancement."

Track listing:

  • Celestial Fantasy 5:52
  • The Idea Of It All 7:30
  • Ecstasy Of Being 9:50
  • When Angels Speak Of Love 4:32
  • Next Stop Mars 17:55