country funk: country funk
  • country funk

  • country funk (CD)

  • sku: FOCD2086
  • Condition: Brand New Back Order
  • 7.11
  • $7.47
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  • Format: CD
  • Label: Fallout
  • Genre: Psychedelic
Few artist names or album titles have ever been so misleading as this band's. Though there are certainly elements of funk and country in the mix, their beautifully-crafted songs and harmonies (to say nothing of some biting electric guitar) are far closer in feel to the West Coast psychedelia of Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills & Nash. Originally released in 1970, the album is a long-lost gem that is sure to please fans of US West Coast rock - it certainly appealed to Beck, who sampled one of its tracks on his Odelay album.
Track listing
1. Apart of Me 2. Phoebe (Mourning Pink) 3. Really My Friend 4. Not This Time 5. For Me 6. Poor Boy 7. A Way to Settle Down 8. When I'm Without You 9. Comin' In 10. If I Find a Way (Song of Love) 11. Another Miss 12. Want